
BARGAIN: 5 Bedroom uncompleted house in Adenta for sale only £12000

 Price reduced for quick sale. 5 bedroom uncompleted house in Adenta for £12,000. house is in good location. property slightly close to some running water but have been adviced by the builder that strong wall built should not cause any problems/ water reaching the main house.reason for sale is because we have got another uncompleted house in kumasi, so we are selling this one to complete the one in Kumasi and Kumasi is where we live when we visit Ghana .Land papers avaliable with no problems on the landwe could accept the money in 3 instalments but the full amount has to be paid before the land papers are given to you.please contact me on 00447882669036 by phone or text message or email baduama@yahoo.comthanks for looking at the advert

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