
9 Bedroom Property

CONTACT (IN LONDON) GEORGE ON: 07949811268 // EMAIL @: jomojoe93@yahoo.co.ukOR GIDEON (IN GHANA) ON: 026 818 9900Spacious, Luxurious Executive houselocated in a quiet residential neighborhoodat old weija barrier, half an hour driveto Kokrobite beach. Large modern kitchenwith beautiful custom cabinets, hot water heatersand 1000 gallon water reservoir.One Very Large Modern KitchenBeautifully Fitted Cabinets.One Extra Medium Size Kitchen.Two En Suite Bedrooms Fully FittedWith Showers And Bathes,One Fitted With Air Condition.Five Owned Bedrooms With SharedToilets And Bathes.Very beautifully decorated lounge upstairs.

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