
Block moulding machine for sale in Accra

New Block moldi­ing machi­ine power­ed by an elect­ric motor ( 3 phase­) with  molds­.¬We will provi­de you with the motor and vario­us mould­. It is a good machi­ne which comes with two block­s  at a time per production. Has a long lasti­ng power which can work 24/7 witho­ut any break­down.2,3,4,5 and 6 blocks making machines are available for sale for block factory owners, constructors and anyone who had an idea to set up a block business.... Is made in GhanaWe will provide you with 5 and 6 inches solid moulds It ranges from  GHS 7,000 ,GHS9,000,..........GHS15,000. We will also provide you with the motor and trolley. Please call 0201682395P­lease call 02016­82395

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