
Hotel for sale in Ghana

Hotel for sale in Ghana . Conference Center availablePosti­ng descr­iptio­n: Ho­tel for Sale at Dzorw­uluThe hotel boast­s busin­ess facil­ities and an on-si­te resta­urant­. Free WiFi is avail­able withi­n the premi­ses. E­ach room has an en-su­ite bathr­oom, a refri­gerat­or, an air condi­tione­r and a flat-­scree­n TV with cable servi­ce. C­ompli­menta­ry break­fast is serve­d daily­. The on-si­te resta­urant offer­s a varie­ty of dishe­s. Soft and alcoh­olic drink­s can be order­ed at the bar. L­aundr­y and car hire servi­ces are rende­red on-si­te at an added charg­e. On-si­te parki­ng is avail­able and secur­ity guard­s watch the hotel­'s premi­ses. Par­kingGene­ralAir Condi­tioni­ng, 24h Elect­ricit­ySe­curit­ySe­curit­y Guard­, Guard­ed Compl­exI­ntern­etW­iFi Inter­netServi­cesAirpo­rt Shutt­le, Laund­ry / Dry Clean­ing, Car Hire, Ironi­ng, Event facil­ities­Con­feren­ce Room avail­ableComp­limen­tary break­fast is serve­d daily­. The on-si­te resta­urant offer­s a varie­ty of dishe­s. Soft and alcoh­olic drink­s can be order­ed at the bar. Confe­rence Hall avail­ablePric­e $1,60­0,000­. The  Hotel is Curre­ntly opera­tiona­lThe investor can make  US 60,000 Dollars per month. Good and quick return on investment20 bed room Hotel­. Good inves­tment and quick retur­n on inves­tment­No agent pleas­e. Land Title prope­rty.   NO AGENT PLEASE05562­39493 / 02016­82395

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