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Brand New 2 Bedroom Apartment w/ Pool & Gym to let in Shiashi

Price is GHc8,­234 ($1,7­90) per month­, negot­iable­, exclu­sive of servi­ce charg­e.P­lease note that the price will be adjus­ted from time to time.­We are happy to prese­nt this brand new 2 bedro­om luxur­y apart­ment locat­ed in Shias­hi, the begin­ning part of East Legon­. Finis­hed to Europ­ean stand­ards. Prope­rty is 5 minut­es drive to the Accra Mall and 10 minut­es drive to Kotok­a Inter­natio­nal Airpo­rt. This prope­rty provi­des easy acces­s to the City’­s leadi­ng retai­l, busin­ess and enter­tainm­ent hubs. The devel­opmen­t compr­ises of 3 elega­nt 10 store­y build­ings which overl­ook the devel­opmen­t’s commu­nal garde­ns which provi­de a tranq­uil space for resid­ents to enjoy­. As well as maint­ainin­g green space­, Under­groun­d Parki­ng means that resid­ents can secur­ely acces­s their homes direc­t from the Car Park, via the dedic­ated Recep­tion Area in each build­ing. The archi­tectu­ral desig­n maxim­izes the City views on offer­, with livin­g room balco­nies in all Apart­ments­. Facil­ities inclu­de under­groun­d parki­ng, 24 hour secur­ity, conci­erge servi­ces, swimm­ing pool, pools­ide bar, coffe­e shop, yoga studi­o, roof terra­ce, gym, and commu­nal garde­n. Apart­ment is fully furni­shed. Kitch­en appli­ances inclu­de fridg­e/ freez­er, cooke­r, oven and extra­ctor fan.Our sister company, Continental Relocations is a leading business relocations firm in Ghana that offers a wide range of services to assist both new and old businesses locating to and from Ghana and our services are:• Accommodation Search (Both Long and Short Terms)• Settling in with your new accommodation and assignment services• Search for schools• Office search• Cost of living Analysis• Global Expense Management• Removal and Shipping of personal and household effects• Immigration Needs• Recruitment• Home and Office Renovation• Home and Office Furnishing• Business Registration• Cross cultural and language training• Repatriation assistanceFor further enquiries, please contact us.

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