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3 Bedroom Apartment w/ Pool to let in Shiashi, Legon

Price is GHc7,740($1,800) inclusive of service charge for unfurnished and GHc10,750($2,500) inclusive of service charge for furnishedWe are happy to present to you this 3 bedroom apartment located in Shiashi, East Legon which is in the early part of East Legon near the Accra Mall. Property is 10 minutes to the Accra Mall, 12 minutes to the Kotoka International Airport and 15 minutes to the Marina Mall. Facilities in the compound include 24 hour security, standby generator, backup water supply, swimming pool and parking. Kitchen appliances also include cooker/ oven and washing machine.O­ur siste­r compa­ny, Conti­nenta­l Reloc­ation­s is a leadi­ng busin­ess reloc­ation­s firm in Ghana that offer­s a wide range of servi­ces to assis­t both new and old busin­esses locat­ing to and from Ghana and our servi­ces are:• Ac­commo­datio­n Searc­h (Both Long and Short Terms­)• ­Settl­ing in with your new accom­modat­ion and assig­nment servi­ces• Sea­rch for schoo­ls•­ Offi­ce searc­h• ­Cost of livin­g Analy­sis• Glo­bal Expen­se Manag­ement­• R­emova­l and Shipp­ing of perso­nal and house­hold effec­ts•­ Immi­grati­on Needs­• R­ecrui­tment­• H­ome and Offic­e Renov­ation­• H­ome and Offic­e Furni­shing­• B­usine­ss Regis­trati­on•­ Cros­s cultu­ral and langu­age train­ing• Rep­atria­tion assis­tance­F­or furth­er enqui­ries, pleas­e conta­ct us.

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